We are a welcoming home to thousands of people seeking Jesus Christ and growing in the grace of the gospel.
We are a diverse community of men and women, young and old, single and married, discovering together our identity, purpose, and belonging within God’s good design. We impact thousands of kids and students week in and week out. With all our efforts wholly dependent on God, we make disciples across all ages; every stage of life has a portion in the church. We celebrate 300 baptisms every year. We are a refuge for the broken and suffering to receive hope and care, and a place where God heals and enriches marriages. We demonstrate the ministry of presence as we rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. We send wholehearted leaders and disciples into their homes, into neighborhoods, into our city, and into the nations. We have planted and revitalized 30 churches and have 100 missionaries reaching 10 unreached people groups. We have seen more than 50,000 individuals reached by the gospel through our campuses, church plants, revitalization efforts, and missionaries. We have generously resourced millions of people across the globe as we share the gifts that God has entrusted to us.
Every day, in all spaces, through each season of life, we are joyfully building beyond ourselves, living the greater story together, and creating a kingdom legacy for generations to come.
We desire to raise $50 million to complete this project. This is the most significant building project in the history of our church. It will require more leaders and volunteers. It will require more members of our family to gladly own and embody the vision. It will require faithful prayer and faithful gospel partners. It will require all of us to give financially. Part of your role in this story will be to exercise these God-given gifts in a powerful way. We all have a part, and we are eager to watch the Lord prove Himself faithful again.
We are asking you to consider your part in our ongoing story of living beyond ourselves. How will you contribute to this vision?
$50 million is a lofty goal, one that we believe only the Lord can accomplish. We depend on your generosity to resource our ongoing ministry each year. In Beyond, we are asking you to give in addition to your regular tithes and contributions toward this campaign. This next step of our vision is ambitious. We understand the trust and sacrifice that this kind of commitment requires, but we are confident that God, in His goodness, will meet all of our needs and align our hearts more closely with His as we share the gifts He has entrusted to us.
We desire to raise $50 million to complete this project. This is the most significant building project in the history of our church. It will require more leaders and volunteers. It will require more members of our family to gladly own and embody the vision. It will require faithful prayer and faithful gospel partners. It will require all of us to give financially. Part of your role in this story will be to exercise these God-given gifts in a powerful way. We all have a part, and we are eager to watch the Lord prove Himself faithful again.
We are asking you to consider your part in our ongoing story of living beyond ourselves. How will you contribute to this vision?
$50 million is a lofty goal, one that we believe only the Lord can accomplish. We depend on your generosity to resource our ongoing ministry each year. In Beyond, we are asking you to give in addition to your regular tithes and contributions toward this campaign. This next step of our vision is ambitious. We understand the trust and sacrifice that this kind of commitment requires, but we are confident that God, in His goodness, will meet all of our needs and align our hearts more closely with His as we share the gifts He has entrusted to us.

The Next Generation
More space for kids and students

Multipurpose Venue
Sacred space for worship, weddings, and funerals

A Welcoming Home
Unhurried space to park, fellowship, and linger

Our giving period will begin on April 1, 2024, and end March 31, 2027. If you have any questions or would like more information about any of these options, please contact our Finance team at give@thevillagechurch.net.
Cash or Check
Drop cash or checks in the giving boxes around the church, or mail your gift to:
The Village Church
Attn: Finance
2101 Justin Road
Flower Mound, TX 75028.
Donate stock holdings directly to TVC through our broker, Hilltop Securities:
The Village Church, c/o Hilltop Securities
Account Number 32514398
1200 Elm Street, Ste 3500
Dallas, TX 75270
DTC # 0279
If you sell appreciated stock and donate the cash proceeds, you may be subject to long term capital gains taxes which can be up to 20% of the appreciated value. If you donate the stock directly to the church, you can avoid that tax altogether and make your gift go further!
IRA Accounts
Are you subject to required minimum distributions from your IRA account? A qualified charitable distribution to The Village Church can satisfy all or part of the amount of your required minimum distribution from your IRA, helping you to avoid income taxes on an otherwise taxable distribution.
Other Non-Cash Gifts
We are also able to accept other non-cash gifts, such as real estate, business interests, personal property, restricted securities, estate gifts, retirement plans, and life insurance. We partner with other ministries like National Christian Foundation which have the expertise to facilitate these unique and complex gifts.

Beyond Communication
How can members find out more information about the Beyond project?
- We have and will continue to communicate about the Beyond project through multiple avenues including prayer nights, Vision Nights, a sermon series with a companion guide, digital media like The Village News and our website, one-on-one conversations, and this FAQ.
We will update this FAQ regularly and notify the church about these updates via TVC News on a weekly basis. Subscribe to The Village News.
Who is the best person to contact with a question about the Beyond project?
- If you have questions about the project, you can Contact Us. We would love to hear from you! Your question will be routed to the appropriate staff member to ensure the best answer, and/or be included in updates to the FAQ.
Does the church have to vote on any of this?
- Section 10.3 of our bylaws describes the situations that require a vote from our members. In this case, a vote is not required for expansion, but taking on a certain amount of debt would require a vote. Our hope is to use a combination of cash reserves and money raised in the Beyond campaign to fund the entire project.
Beyond Priorities
What is the sequencing, timeline, and cost of the projects?
In the Beyond project, we have three priorities:
- The Next Generation: More space for kids and students
- Multipurpose Venue (“The Chapel”): Sacred space for worship, weddings, funerals, classes, forums, and ministry gatherings
- A Welcoming Home: Ample spaces to park, spaces to enjoy fellowship, and spaces to linger with one another
All of our projects align with these three priorities
We began by renovating our executive staff offices to create additional classroom space for KV, called “KV2”, serving 3rd-5th graders. This new space opened in August 2023 and continues to be a big hit!
- Priority: The Next Generation
- Kids Village 2 Project Cost: $1.3M
- Cumulative Beyond Project Total: $1.3M
- Priority: A Welcoming Home
- Parking Garage Project Total: $15.5M
- Cumulative Beyond Project Total: $16.8M
Immediately following the completion of the garage, we will begin construction on the Chapel, expanded foyer, and outdoor plaza with a goal to open them by the end of 2025.
- Priority: Multipurpose Venue and A Welcoming Home
- Chapel and Foyer Project Total: $20.2M
Cumulative Beyond Project Total: $37M
The remaining money raised will be allocated to future phases*, including:
- Renovations at our HV campus to create a devoted space for students, including small-group spaces, outdoor gathering and hang-out spaces, outdoor activity space for sports and recreation, and an overhaul of the parking lot (The Next Generation).
- Updating our worship center to replace end-of-life technology and lighten the color scheme of the room (A Welcoming Home).
- Additional renovations of our existing LV and KV spaces to increase flexibility and accommodate more diverse age ranges (The Next Generation). See question above about LV & KV adjustments.
*We would be able to start these phases once the parking garage, Chapel, expanded foyer, and outdoor plaza are complete or nearly complete.
What other alternative solutions were considered before we settled on renovating our current location?
- We believe that God called us to this corner. Investing in this corner communicates to our community that we are here for the long haul to positively impact the neighborhoods in this local community. This sentiment has only been affirmed as we have moved throughout the process, even by the Town of Flower Mound when they gave us unanimous approval for the project!"
- Our conviction was solidified, as we did our due diligence over the last few years to price out alternative options.
- In order to buy land and build a new building, it would have amounted to over double what this project will cost.
- We also looked at what it might take to purchase other, existing buildings in our community. These other buildings were either unavailable to us, or would require far too much financial investment to remodel to fit our needs
- The corner of Morris Road and FM 407 is simply the best and most suitable location for us to make a gospel impact for generations to come in this local community.
We purchased and retrofitted the Albertsons building in 2009 for $14M, so why are we renovating the same building for $50M today?
The price tags are different for a number of reasons:
- Our initial remodel of the Albertsons grocery store occurred in the midst of the Great Recession, when prices were at their lowest. Construction costs in 2024, including materials and labor, are several times what they were in 2009.
- The 2009 remodel was exactly that—a remodel of the interior of the old Albertsons building. We did not change the exterior in any significant way, nor did we expand its footprint or alter the parking lot around it. In short, it was a smaller project overall with a much more limited scope.
- Beyond represents a series of projects, not just one—and only a portion of those projects impact the former Albersons.
- The northward expansion of the original building footprint to include a new foyer, plaza, and chapel is $20.2 million.
- The parking garage, at $15.5 million, is a completely new structure that was never part of the original site.
- Additionally, some of the $50 million will be spent to create a devoted space for our student ministry in Highland Village, not Flower Mound.
*See the question above about “Sequencing, Timeline, and Cost” for a more complete explanation of the Beyond projects.
Is the Chapel meant to replace the Saturday night service?
- We do not have plans to move away from offering the worship service on Saturdays once the Chapel is built at present; but instead plan to open the Chapel as an adjacent worship venue to the Flower Mound sanctuary during service times, thus increasing our ability to serve more people who wish to join us for a weekend gathering without the need to turn-away.
Beyond Construction
What architectural firm are we using?
- We are partnering with Parkhill for architectural services.
Who is the construction team?
- A team from Hill & Wilkinson serves as the general contractor for the project.
What is “integrated project delivery” (IPD)? Why are we using this process?
- Integrated Project Delivery is a teamwork-focused building process that boosts efficiency, cuts down on waste, and improves project outcomes. In this approach, the church (as the project owner), the architect, the general contractor (acting as the construction manager), and key subcontractors collaborate closely in all stages of design, fabrication, and construction. All parties are contractually motivated to ensure the project is completed on time and within (or below) budget, thanks to a high level of transparency and mutual trust.
- We used this method during our KV2 expansion and found it to be the best way to steward and manage the church's resources responsibly, saving time and money. For those who wish to take a deep dive into the IPD process, this guide is a great place to start.
When the parking garage empties, should we expect that Morriss Rd. will back up due to the traffic light at FM Rd. 407?
- We put a lot of effort into designing a parking garage that will clear out in as little as 12–15 minutes after services, when fully parked. We also understand that the vehicles leaving the garage need to exit the property smoothly. So, we are using a similar engineering approach, led by an expert consultant, to optimize traffic control once the garage is built. Our aim is to ensure that the traffic on Morriss Road is comparable or better than what we currently experience.
Will any adjustments be made to the existing Little Village (LV) and Kid’s Village (KV) spaces?
- We already added a considerable amount of KV space with the buildout of KV2 (our new environment for 3rd–5th graders). We also aim to reconfigure rooms in LV to allow for more flexible use, so each room can serve a wider age range of children. We are also watching attendance patterns to decide on the timing for additional KV renovation or expansion, which may involve the second floor of our building.
Why didn’t we start with the Highland Village Campus (HV)?
- The construction project is following a sequence that addresses the most pressing needs of our congregation before addressing the needs of a segment of our church body.
- A parking garage solves our parking issues for weekend gatherings and large weekday events, and relieves the demand placed on HV to share a parking lot for multiple needs (shuttles, Men’s Bible Study (MBS) parking, students, etc.).
- The Chapel will provide a solution for midweek programming, weekend programming, and sacred services like weddings and funerals, which will also relieve the demand to use the HV campus in multiple ways.
- Only then can we fully devote the Highland Village campus to the needs of the Students Ministry. If we attempted to renovate both at the same time, then we would lose the space that we currently use for Students and Men’s Bible Study for a season. Both of those are vital to our discipleship pathway, so we do not wish to pause either of them, even for a season of construction.
Are there plans to renovate the east shopping center out of what is raised within the Beyond campaign?
- We used a portion of our cash reserves to renovate Suite 288 for multipurpose space. With the construction of the parking garage, we lost Suite 165 which served as our primary multi-purpose space up until that time.
- Suites 145 and 275 are used for TVC storage, which required no funds for renovation at this time.
- Suite 223 is used by our Local Missions ministry partner, YoungLives Baby Shop.
- Suite 249 is used by the Hill & Wilkinson construction team for the duration of the project.
- The other suites are currently occupied by tenants with active leases, some of which may extend through 2030. When we purchased the shopping center, we committed to honoring the leases of the existing tenants.
- While we ultimately plan to convert the entire property to church use, any large-scale renovation of the east shopping center will likely be years in the future.
Can we see a visual of the perimeter of our building today and what it will be (from a bird’s eye view)? How far into the parking lot are we going?
- A bird’s-eye view of the entire site plan is available here.
Will we have handicap parking spots close to the entrances? What about accessibility overall?
- Yes. There will be nine handicap parking spots on the first floor of the parking garage, right next to the exit that’s closest to the north entrance of the church.
- There will also be an additional 12 handicap parking spaces next to the new plaza when Phase 3 construction is complete (which also includes the chapel and expanded foyer).
- The design of some parts of the foyer have actually been changed to eliminate stairs and improve accessibility since the 3D renderings were created.
- Overall, we have designed the facilities to be a welcoming home and conform with the current Texas Accessibility Standards and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act, as applicable.
Why shouldn’t we continue using offsite parking and shuttling people over?
Adding a parking structure saves the church significant ongoing time and expense, for instance:
- A lack of on-site parking does not convey “A Welcoming Home” to newcomers, and the offsite parking lot is not intuitive for them to navigate to. And for our members, it requires extra time and inconvenience we don’t want to impose on them, if there’s a better and more efficient way.
- Shuttles require a team of dedicated volunteers to drive them. We love our volunteers and we know they love to serve the church! Finding shuttle drivers for events at times other than Sunday morning—particularly events that may occur on weekdays like Women’s Bible Study—can be difficult. If you’re interested in serving in this way, click here to apply.
- Maintaining a fleet of shuttle buses is a costly and time-consuming endeavor we’d like to avoid. When we got our shuttles back in 2009, we bought them from a bankrupt airport parking company for around $16,000 each; today, the replacement cost of one shuttle is over $100,000. In the 15 years we’ve owned those vehicles, we’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and many, many hours on repair and maintenance.
How many parking spaces will we have once the parking garage is open?
- After Phases 2 and 3 are complete (including the Parking Garage, Chapel, Foyer, and Plaza), we will have 923 parking spaces on-site.
- Note that this number represents only the parking available on TVC’s own property; it does not include any of the parking spaces in the outparcels that are closed on Sundays, such as the bank and Chick-fil-A.
Will we get to see a wrecking ball or use dynamite to blow up the west side of the building for the parking garage?
- No, unfortunately no wrecking balls will be used in the demolition of our building. We will, however, use some really cool excavators and bulldozers for the job! Also, before you ask us: no, we are not accepting volunteer positions to drive the bulldozer. Sorry!
Why was the Fire Department at the church when the property was first fenced off?
- It’s not often that a building gets demolished in Flower Mound. Because we work closely with the Town of Flower Mound and the F.M.F.D. in particular, they knew we would be tearing down the west retail building of our shopping center, and they asked if they could use it as an opportunity to train firefighters. We were happy to accommodate them.
Why are we expanding so much of the foyer?
- If you’ve ever been in our current foyer immediately after a weekend service concludes, you know that there is no space to remain there; it’s simply too small to accommodate the number of people attending and serving. On some weekends, we’ll have tables set up for missionaries, local organizations we support, etc.—and those exhibits only compound the problem, because there’s no room to circulate around them. Even if we were not adding any new functionality to the facility, we would still need to expand our foyer just to provide a little breathing room and space to linger, talk, and connect with others. . . But we are adding new functionality! Part of our Phase 3 expansion is the Chapel, which also functions as a 500-seat alternative worship venue and multipurpose room for Bible studies, classes, and other events. We could not accommodate this essential addition to our facility without significantly expanding the foyer around it.
Are we using members’ expertise in this project?
- Yes. There are multiple TVC members already engaged and others “on deck” to assist as needed. If you have a particular expertise you think would benefit the project, please email Susanne Newton and we’ll be in touch!
Are we taking safety and security seriously with our building updates, specifically as it pertains to a parking garage?
- Yes, we are actively working to make our parking garage and other buildings as safe and secure as possible. The parking structure itself was designed with pedestrian and vehicular safety in mind, eliminating many of the blind corners and other hazards you see in most garages. We will also have cameras and other security enhancements in strategic locations throughout the campus.
Beyond Giving
How do I designate my gift?
- If you give online through our website, make sure you use the Beyond Campaign fund.
- If you give by check, please write “Beyond” in the memo line.
- If you give by an alternative method, please contact our Finance Team at give@thevillagechurch.net so that your gift is designated to the Beyond Campaign.
How long will I be able to give toward the Beyond Campaign?
The campaign will be active for three years ending on March 31, 2027. You can begin giving at any time and in any frequency that best fits your situation (weekly, monthly, annually, one time, etc.).
For cash donations, can I create a recurring giving schedule online?
Yes, you can create an online giving schedule with a weekly or monthly frequency. You can also process one-time gifts online as well.
How do I view or modify my commitment?
You can view your Beyond commitment through the giving page on your TVC profile. If you have questions or would like to edit your commitment, you can email our Finance team at give@thevillagechurch.net.
Are gifts to the Beyond Campaign tax deductible?
Yes, all gifts to the Beyond Campaign are tax deductible charitable contributions, and they will be included on your year-end giving statement.
Do you accept other kinds of contributions besides cash, check, or credit card payments?
We are able to accept many kinds of non-cash gifts, including stock donations, donor-advised fund grants, and qualified charitable distributions from an IRA account. We also partner with organizations like National Christian Foundation to facilitate complex gifts, such as donations of real estate, business interests, personal property, restricted securities, estate gifts, retirement plans, and life insurance. If you are interested in these alternative methods of giving, please contact our Finance team at give@thevillagechurch.net.
Should I redirect my regular tithes and contributions to the Beyond Campaign?
We are asking that you prayerfully consider giving to the Beyond Campaign in addition to, not instead of, your regular tithes and contributions to our general fund.