Our giving period will begin on April 1, 2024, and end March 31, 2027. If you have any questions or would like more information about any of these options, please contact our Finance team at give@thevillagechurch.net.
Cash or Check
Drop cash or checks in the giving boxes around the church, or mail your gift to:
The Village Church
Attn: Finance
2101 Justin Road
Flower Mound, TX 75028.
Donate stock holdings directly to TVC through our broker, Hilltop Securities:
The Village Church, c/o Hilltop Securities
Account Number 32514398
1200 Elm Street, Ste 3500
Dallas, TX 75270
DTC # 0279
If you sell appreciated stock and donate the cash proceeds, you may be subject to long term capital gains taxes which can be up to 20% of the appreciated value. If you donate the stock directly to the church, you can avoid that tax altogether and make your gift go further!
IRA Accounts
Are you subject to required minimum distributions from your IRA account? A qualified charitable distribution to The Village Church can satisfy all or part of the amount of your required minimum distribution from your IRA, helping you to avoid income taxes on an otherwise taxable distribution.
Other Non-Cash Gifts
We are also able to accept other non-cash gifts, such as real estate, business interests, personal property, restricted securities, estate gifts, retirement plans, and life insurance. We partner with other ministries like National Christian Foundation which have the expertise to facilitate these unique and complex gifts.